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Opioid Warnings

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Opioid Warnings

Opioids can be used as part of a successful pain management plan but certain risks are involved. These can include addiction, withdrawal upon cessation of use and overdose. Opioids are a class of drug that includes some prescription painkillers and heroin.
Opioids are very potent and have a strong potential to be habit forming so patients should always be aware of the risks. Most people develop a problem with opioids after receiving a prescription for pain, although some use them strictly recreationally.
Prescription opioids include Actiq, Dilaudid, Vicodin, OxyContin, and Percocet. Misuse or abuse of these drugs has become increasingly common, in part because some people are trying to achieve a state of euphoria. However, most people begin to escalate use once they develop a tolerance to the medication and it no longer works. Patients should always talk to their doctors first before altering their dosage in any way.
A doctor may suggest switching medications to ensure patients continue to get relief. Opioid addiction can be devastating and should be treated by professionals.

What You Need to Know About Opioid Warnings and Risks

Prescription opioids outline warnings on use and misuse on the insert that comes in the packaging. These warnings detail information on drug and food interactions, allergic reactions, abuse potential, addiction, overdose, and withdrawal.
Opioids are controlled substances in the United States, meaning they are classified according to their abuse potential and whether they have an accepted medical use. Opioids should be taken with caution and should not be used when driving, operating machinery or performing other important physical tasks. They may not be the best course of treatment for patients who have suffered prior addictions.
Taking opioids in any way that contradicts the label is dangerous. This means taking too much, taking the drugs more often than prescribed or mixing them with other substances to increase effects. Opioids depress the central nervous system, as do other narcotics, alcohol, tranquilizers and some sleeping medicines. Mixing opioids with any of these can be dangerous. Chewing, crushing or breaking pills to facilitate rapid release of active ingredients is not advised as a potentially fatal amount could flood the system.

Opioid Detox Under Anesthesia Allows for Dignified Withdrawal

Though they can be taken safely, dependence and addiction are unfortunate outcomes when it comes to taking opioids. Our medical procedure answers the depletion of natural endorphins in nerve cells due to an external supply of opioids. Our in-hospital anesthesia-assisted detox procedure uses intravenous medication to cleanse the opioids from patients’ receptors while they sleep lightly under sedation.
This takes less than two hours and they awake without the awareness they experienced an accelerated withdrawal. Managing this difficult phase helps patients recover comfortably and with dignity. Our total hospital stay is 2 to 4 days, which can help you return to a normal life much quicker than other opioid rehab centers. We also have an optional transitional living program at our Domus Retreat facility.

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