Suboxone and Subutex : The Facts You Should Know

About the Buprenorphine in Suboxone and Subutex Suboxone and Subutex contain Buprenorphine. Like Heroin, OxyContin, Morphine, and Codeine, Buprenorphine is an opiate drug made from an extract of the opium poppy plant, Papaver somniferum. Some drug addiction professionals prescribe Buprenorphine to replace the existing opiate of choice. This is to help drug-dependent patients delay withdrawal […]
Subutex Precautions
It’s always a good idea to arm yourself with information when it comes to taking a new prescription medication. Doctors prescribe opiates for pain relief and cough suppression. However, it’s important for people to follow certain warnings and precautions closely. Because these medications are subject to dependence, abuse and diversion, it’s important to know how […]
Subutex Warnings
Physicians often prescribe people Subutex as a treatment meant to wean them from opiate addiction. Others may take it recreationally for the sense of euphoria it can produce. Either way, use could lead to problems including addiction and overdose. Subutex is also an opiate, considered to be opiate “replacement” or “substitution” therapy. The Waismann Method […]
Subutex Rehab
You Don’t Need a Long Term Subutex Rehab to be Opiate Free Searching for a place that specializes in Subutex rehab may have been difficult in the past. After all, many treatment facilities use it to wean patients off other drugs. The Waismann Method knows that opiate replacement drugs such as Subutex, Suboxone and methadone […]
Subutex Withdrawal and Addiction Treatment

Finding the Best Treatment for Subutex Subutex is an opioid analgesic often used to treat a narcotics addiction. The drug acts directly on the opioid receptors at the central nervous system level. It works by inhibiting the action of narcotics like morphine or heroin. It is essential to know that Subutex is an opioid narcotic, […]
Subutex Abuse
Subutex is the brand name for buprenorphine and is an opiate that binds to receptors in the body and brain. It is most often used to treat opiate addiction but has its own potential to cause dependence. Subutex helps to prevent withdrawal in those addicted to narcotic medications including OxyContin, Percocet, Darvocet and heroin. Subutex is meant […]