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Actiq Abuse

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Actiq, or “Perc-O-Pops” as they’re called on the street is the lozenge form of Fentanyl, a highly potent narcotic painkiller. Actiq has a high potential for misuse, abuse and dependence. Actiq, a synthetic opioid, looks like a lollipop and is meant for the treatment of breakthrough pain from conditions such as cancer. The drug is prescribed legally but can be used illegally – what law enforcement officials call diversion. The berry flavor and ease with which it can be taken makes it more attractive among recreational users. Those who are using it for therapeutic purposes can also turn to abusing it. The chance for abuse is higher among those who have had prior addiction issues. Actiq has also been linked to cases of death and overdose. Opiate abuse has become a national issue and can have a high relapse rate. Abusing Actiq can have devastating consequences and cause serious medical complications. Abuse can progress to addiction which requires safe, medical detox.

Signs of Actiq Abuse

Actiq abuse, goes against the drug’s warnings and precautions can be considered risky. Misuse can include overuse, tampering with the lozenge or combining it with other substances to elicit effects including euphoria and sedation. The Waismann Method of rapid detox has successfully treated opiate addiction for more than a decade. For most of our patients, the dependence begins innocently enough. Many people who are given a prescription for Actiq or another opioid can develop a tolerance to it, sometimes quickly. This means the prescribed dose is no longer effective in treating the pain. The quest for pain relief may cause some to escalate use or misuse it in other ways.
Doctor-shopping to secure more than one supply and falsification of prescriptions are common actions among abusers and contribute to the problem of illegal diversion. Some people engage in other risky behaviors such as using Actiq with other substances that could increase potency, such as alcohol, other narcotic drugs or tranquilizers. A preoccupation with taking Actiq can be an indication that physical and/or psychological dependence has developed.

Successful, Safe Rapid Detox Can Be Accomplished with Waismann Method

The Waismann Method’s rapid detox doesn’t use opiate replacements such as Suboxone or methadone. Performed in an accredited hospital, our humane procedure takes a few days and uses the latest medical process to cleanse Actiq from patients’ opiate receptors. The detoxification occurs while they patients are given intravenous medication to maintain safety and comfort, under the direct supervision of our  multi-board-certified medical director. The withdrawal phase is accelerated and and the physical craving are medically managed.  The entire hospital stay and recovery retreat is usually around a week;  what is much less time than traditional drug treatment programs. Domus Retreat, our transitional living facility, is also available for extended stay, for those who wish to continue their recovery in a safe, confidential and tranquil atmosphere.

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