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Buprenorphine for Opioid Addiction: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating the Path to Recovery

A photo of a doctor or nurse standing in hospital room, holding a clipboard. A concept of medical detox for buprenorphine dependence

Buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, has revolutionized the landscape of opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment, offering a lifeline to countless individuals struggling with addiction. While it provides a safer and more controlled alternative to full agonists like heroin or oxycodone, it is crucial to recognize that buprenorphine itself can lead to physical dependence. For patients […]

Choosing the Best Drug or Alcohol Treatment

Drug or Alcohol Treatment Programs

How Do I Choose the Best Drug or Alcohol Treatment? Perhaps the most challenging factor in finding a solution for opioid or alcohol addiction is choosing the right treatment center. First and foremost, it is essential to understand that everyone is different, and so are their treatment needs. Also, not everyone needs long-term residential treatment […]

Buprenorphine: The Opiate Used to Treat Addiction

Buprenorphine 2mg sublingual tablets. Buprenorphine opiate used to treat addiction

During his last State of the Union address, President Obama mentioned the nation’s growing opiate addiction problem as an area of concern. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an estimated 2.5 million Americans struggle with addiction to prescription opioids or heroin. One of the most prominent and strongly promoted treatments is the use […]

Buprenorphine Precautions

Safe pain management is possible and has become such an issue as more and more cases of opiate abuse, addiction and fatal overdose have been reported. All medications in the opiate class, including buprenorphine, carry certain warnings and precautions because of their potency and potential to lead to problems. Buprenorphine can be used for pain […]

Dangers of Home Detox with Buprenorphine

Physicians prescribe Buprenorphine to help people detox from opiates. It’s a prescription medication that makes up Suboxone and Subutex but it too can become habit forming. Some people who use buprenorphine to detox from drugs like heroin or OxyContin develop a reliance on it, physically and/or mentally. When the goal is to become completely opiate free, patients […]

Buprenorphine Warnings & Safety Information

Buprenorphine, marketed under names including Suboxone, Subutex and Buprenex, can be used for pain management but is most often prescribed to treat opiate addiction. Access to the potent drug is restricted to curtail illegal diversion. In order to prescribe Suboxone and Subutex, doctors must first be approved to administer office-based treatment. This clearance must come […]

Buprenorphine Withdrawal

Buprenorphine is a partial agonist (used in brand name medications such as Suboxone and Subutex) usually, used to treat opioid addiction, because of it’s opiate formulation Buprenorphine withdrawal can be lengthy and challenging.  Claims have been made that the drugs have a milder degree of physical dependence, and for that reason, it produces a  milder […]

Buprenorphine Abuse

Buprenorphine is sold in the U.S. under the brand names Suboxone and Subutex, narcotic drugs that are used to treat opiate addiction. Though it was developed as a safer alternative to addiction than methadone, both drugs have their own potential for misuse, abuse and dependence. Though safeguards were built in during development stages, aiming to […]

Buprenorphine Can Require Opiate Detox

Sometimes, drugs prescribed to help you have the opposite effect. Opiate narcotics such as buprenorphine are typically prescribed to treat opiate dependence. The problem is, buprenorphine can be habit-forming as well, to the point where detox may be necessary. Buprenorphine works by attaching to the receptors in the brain and nervous system. It helps prevent withdrawal […]