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Codeine Warnings and Treatment for Addiction

Narcotic drugs including codeine can be taken safely and successfully for many patients but may present problems for some. It is a prescription medication used to treat mild to moderate pain. It has the potential to be habit-forming and carries stern warnings on the label in regard to use and possible dangers. Because of its […]

Codeine Rehab

Codeine is a potentially addictive painkiller which can be used safely and effectively for some people. Once a person builds a tolerance through regular use, more and more codeine is needed to achieve desired effects. Escalation of use can lead to physical and/or psychological dependence for which codeine rehab is most often needed. Rehab is […]

Codeine Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment

Codeine withdrawal symptoms can be brutal if not managed properly with medically-assisted detox. Codeine is an opiate that treats mild to moderate pain. It can also be useful in suppressing cough and arresting diarrhea. It is one of the most widely prescribed opiates in the world and has habit-forming properties. Codeine is derived from the […]

Codeine Side Effects

As with all prescription drugs, codeine, an opiate pain reliever and cough suppressant can cause a host of side effects. Information accompanying prescription drugs is required to list possible codeine side effects, warnings, and other drug information. A side effect is a secondary effect or reaction, sometimes undesirable, caused by a drug or therapy. Codeine […]

Codeine Overdose Signs and Warnings

Taking too much codeine, or using it in conjunction with other substances, can lead to an codeine overdose which can be fatal. An overdose is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Codeine is a member of the opiate drug class, used to treat moderate to severe pain. It can be administered orally, rectally, […]

Codeine Abuse

Codeine is a member of the opiate family, used to treat pain, diarrhea and chronic coughs. It has the potential to be abused and cause dependence and addiction. Repeated or prolonged use can cause patients to build up a tolerance which often leads them to increase the dosage they take to feel effects. Most people […]