Waismann Method’s director Clare Waismann provides insight into the CDC reports on doubling of death rates from fentanyl analogs. According to the CDC’s Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report, the number of deaths from fentanyl and fentanyl analogs doubled in the first half of 2017 compared to the second half of 2016.
“We need to reach patients well before they reach the point of needing emergent naloxone,” states Clare Waismann, founder of the Waismann Method® a medical opioid treatment program. She goes on to say, “While the attention is focused on addiction, the individual is forgotten. Their basic emotional needs are not met, and their hope never restored.” The dramatic rise in deaths from fentanyl and its potent analogs speak to a dire need for effective treatment programs. Waismann adds, “The word crisis in opioid crisis is overused to the point that it sometimes loses meaning. The death rates published by the CDC yesterday show why the word ‘crisis’ is accurate and appropriate.”
Clare Waismann also provides a bit of hope to an otherwise bleak CDC report, saying, “Addiction is a reversible consequence of an untreated condition. It is simply a part of a one’s life, not what defines who they are.”