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WAISMANN METHOD® Director Urges Immediate Action to Combat Heroin Use Epidemic

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Beverly Hills, Calif. (May 2, 2013) – The Office of National Drug Control Policy recently published its 2013 National Drug Control Strategy, reporting that a surge in heroin use across the nation has particularly affected young adults living in suburban and rural areas. Based on these findings, Clare Waismann, registered addiction specialist and administrative director for the WAISMANN METHOD® (W Method) opiate treatment, is urging for increased education about the dangers of using and abusing prescription painkillers (which can lead to heroin use), alongside providing more community outreach programs, and information on how to treat addiction.
“It’s disturbing to see that heroin, once called an urban drug, is now favored by an alarming number of young adults and professionals such as lawyers and ministers,” said Waismann.“ Many people who were using opiate-based painkillers are finding it easier to access heroin than pills. Unfortunately, this is creating a resurgence of heroin use and overdose. It is our duty as a country to take immediate action to combat this problem. First, we should start by adopting stricter laws for those dealing drugs. In addition, we must offer more community programs and information on treatments to help battle these addictions.”
With the upsurge of people illegally abusing prescription painkillers, like Vicodin and OxyContin, these opiate-based medications have become much more difficult to obtain resulting in the rise of heroin use, which is cheaper and more readily available. The 2013 National Drug Control Strategy highlights heroin addiction as a growing issue, especially among 18 to 25-year-olds with approximately 68,000 seeking treatment in 2010 up from 43,000 in 2000.  According to a 2010 study by NIDA, approximately seven million people in the U.S., abuse prescription drugs. So, that’s about 2.7% of the population who may need drug treatment. These stats solidify the fact that more education and treatment options are needed to help combat this mounting problem.
There’s a variety of opiate treatment options available. However, the majority have extremely low success and high relapse rates. W Method opiate detoxification treatment is a safe and effective medical procedure that rids the body of opiates while the patient remains comfortable under deep sedation. Detox symptoms are addressed and medically managed at a full-service accredited hospital. Then patients are supervised at an after-care facility. During their stay at Domus Retreat, patients are able to regain physical and mental stability before returning to their lives opiate free.
“Medical detoxification is an extremely serious procedure; however, when done properly using the most advanced medical and professional techniques available, we can help those battling opiate dependency achieve true sobriety,” said Waismann.“ At the W Method we don’t take a cookie-cutter approach to treating opiate dependency; we treat patients as individuals. We treat each of our patients based on their unique background and medical history. The goal is to adapt to their individual situations to improve their chances at successfully beating addiction.”
W Method medical director and pain specialist, Michael H. Lowenstein M.D., has successfully helped thousands of patients overcome their dependency to opiates. Furthermore, Dr. Lowenstein is quadruple board certified and has two decades of detox experience.  For more information about W Method treatment please visit opiates.com.

About Waismann Method Treatment

W Method opiate treatment is a safe and proven protocol for opiate dependency. With that said, this procedure utilizes the most advanced medical and psychological techniques available.  We customize our detoxification and aftercare programs according to each patient’s individual needs. In addition, we use the most advanced medical treatment with personalized assessment and aftercare. From rapid opiate detoxification under sedation, to medically assisted detoxification and other forms of treatment at Domus Retreat, our doctors, therapists and staff work with patients to create personalized treatment and aftercare plans that ensure a healthy and effective transition to life without opiates.  Overall, our patients achieve an extraordinarily high success rate. We believe this is because the treatment doesn’t take a cookie cutter approach to addressing opiate dependency. We always put treatment and care over blame and punishment.  For more information, please visit opiates.com.

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