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Darvocet ® belongs to a group of drugs called narcotic pain relievers. Drugs in this class relieve pain by affecting how the brain perceives or senses pain.
Darvocet ® is a combination of two drugs, propoxyphene and acetaminophen and is used for the relief of mild to moderate pain. The combination of these two drugs proves to be more effective than either one alone. Physical and psychological dependence may occur while taking Darvocet.
Darvocet ® should not be stopped suddenly, especially when taken in high doses or for a prolonged period of time. It is suggested to slowly taper the use of Darvocet to avoid withdrawal syndrome.

Darvocet Uses

Darvocet is an analgesic opiate that is commonly used to treat mild to moderate pain. Though it is considered to be no more effective than aspirin in the treatment of pain, users can become drug dependent with prolonged use. In the U.S., Darvocet is available in doses from 30 mg to 650 mg. The drug can be used to ease physical withdrawal symptoms in opiate addicts but is not as effective on mental cravings. Other drugs can interfere with the effectiveness of Darvocet, and some people are unable to metabolize it.

Darvocet Warnings

Excessive stimulation of the brain’s opioid receptors can cause seizures, depression of the central nervous and respiratory systems, and may alter mood and thoughts. People should not take Darvocet is they are allergic to its ingredients or if they have bowel problems or severe diarrhea. There is a risk of bleeding when taking Darvocet alongside anticoagulant medication. Taking more Darvocet than prescribed by a doctor can be fatal. Tolerance to the opiate can develop, causing users to increase the dose in pursuit of continued pain relief or to achieve a high.

Darvocet Abuse

Studies have shown an increasing number of Americans are using prescription opiates for non-medical reasons. Pills can be obtained through “doctor shopping,” pharmacy diversion and trading or buying them on the street. The market for illicit drugs often goes hand-in-hand with crime. The number of teen users who have access to their parents’ medicine cabinets is also on the rise.
Recreational use of Darvocet can cause dry mouth, decreased appetite, constipation, diarrhea, urinary problems and addiction. In pursuit of a continued high, many users increase the dose and experience toxic side effects. This can cause stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and liver toxicity. If you suddenly stop taking opiates like Darvocet, powerful withdrawal symptoms can set in quickly. They include insomnia, delusions, sweating, tremors, rapid heartbeat, rigid muscles, anxiety and flu-like symptoms.

Side Effects of Darvocet

Whether taking the drug recreationally or in correctly prescribed amounts, mild to severe side effects can occur. Constipation is common for many opiate users. Other common side effects of Darvocet, which worsen when combined with alcohol, are:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Vision problems

Severe side effects include:

  • Severe allergic reaction, which could include swelling of face, lips and tongue
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Tight chest
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood changes
  • Stomach pain
  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin
  • Changes in vision

Long-term use or abuse of opioid drugs can lead to physical and mental dependence and addiction. Most opiate addicts need medical intervention to detox.

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