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Dihydrocodeine Rehab

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So many programs and facilities claim to offer Dihydrocodeine rehab and other forms of effective opiate detoxification, but many fall short. Rehab is short for “rehabilitation” and refers to the services offered to treat drug or alcohol addiction. Dihydrocodeine is a narcotic prescription medication used to suppress cough, manage pain and treat shortness of breath. It can be taken safely and successfully but can be habit forming and prone to misuse and abuse.
Rehab can be offered in short-term or long-term increments and can be in-patient our out-patient. Rehab becomes necessary once a physical addiction takes hold. This is evidenced by the presence of withdrawal symptoms that develop once use is stopped or titrated. Rehab can include detox, therapy, faith-based programs, group gatherings and other services. The program patients choose can absolutely make the difference between recovery success and failure.

Waismann Method Sets Itself Apart from Other Dihydrocodeine Rehab

Waismann Method offers Dihydrocodeine rehab that focuses on medical detox and management of withdrawal to ensure both safety and comfort. So many other programs base their services around 12-step models or other therapeutic efforts that ensure you are tied to the program for an extended period of time.  Waismann Method obligates patients for 2 to 4 days during which time they undergo our rapid opiate detox. Patients are opiate-free in less than two hours with our medical procedure. Beyond that, they can choose to go home if they feel they’re ready. If not, they can transition in our Domus Retreat aftercare facility.
Other rehabs require weeks-long or months-long stays.  Our rapid detox procedure begins with intravenous medications that cleanse the Dihydrocodeine from patients’ opiate receptors. This happens while they rest comfortably under sedation. They awaken a short time later, free from Dihydrocodeine addiction and without awareness they experienced accelerated withdrawal. The withdrawal symptoms develop and pass while patients are sedated. Detox doesn’t have to be painful or degrading. And Waismann Method never uses opiate replacement therapy with Suboxone or methadone to wean patients.

The Suffering of Dihydrocodeine Ends with Waismann Method Detox

Waismann Method conducts its programs in the most humane, compassionate way. Unlike some other Dihydrocodeine treatment facilities, we don’t make our patients feel guilty about their addiction. Our main goal is to build them back up, not break them down further. We believe patients have suffered enough and that they can and will recover completely. Our extended recovery program at Domus Retreat operates under the same premise. And our staff always maintains the highest standards in care and privacy.
Patients who opt to stay at Domus do so in private suites which promote serenity and relaxation. Our services include  individual counseling, massage, yoga and biofeedback. Our programs get you back on your feet in much less time than other rehabs so you can enjoy the life you deserve.
If you a re looking for a private, humane and effective program, you have found it call us today at 310-205-0808.
We offer an exclusive treatment for patients from all over the world. Talk to one of our treatment experts, we are here seven days a week.

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