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Dilaudid Rehab

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Trying to decide on the best option when it comes to Dilaudid rehab can seem overwhelming. After all, there are so many programs to choose from, many of which have vastly different approaches to treating opiate addiction. The narcotic prescription medication is highly potent and can cause life-threatening complications and overdose. Dilaudid is the brand name for hydromorphone hydrochloride and comes in oral liquid and tablet form. Dilaudid is used to treat moderate to severe pain and regular use can quickly turn problematic. If you suffer from physical and/or psychological dependence upon this drug, it’s important to seek help immediately. A medically-based program helps treat the physical withdrawal symptoms that accompany Dilaudid detox. Rehab refers to programs using medical and psychotherapeutic treatments to rid patients of their addictions to a drug. The Waismann Method offers a premiere opiate rehab that eliminates dependence safely, quickly, effectively and with compassion.

Waismann Method Doesn’t Label You an Addict for Life

Instead of judging or labeling you like most Dilaudid rehabs, we offer a humane approach to Dilaudid addiction that treats the individual quickly. We don’t use shame, blame or guilt in our recovery program. We know you’ve suffered enough already and our goal is to build you back up. Our medical detoxification approach to opiate dependence is safe, effective and thorough. The Waismann Method recognizes Dilaudid addiction as a central nervous system disorder, caused by continuous opiate intake. We use the most advanced medical biotechnology available today to end drug dependency. Our scientific approach is applicable for anyone and we use therapy as part of the recovery process. Some programs are religion-based or focus on behavior modification. Many have a narrow approach to treating opiate dependency and keep you locked into the mindset that you are an addict and will always be an addict. This outdated thinking of most Dilaudid rehab only serves to keep you feeling defeated and powerless.

Instead of a Dilaudid Rehab, We Offer an Effective Medical Detox

Some programs require lifelong attendance at meetings or sessions. Waismann Method can detox you in less than two hours, requiring a hospital stay of 2 to 4 days. For our patients well being and stabilization, we offer our Domus Retreat transitional recovery facility. Here, patients can relax and sort through any underlying issues through therapies including counseling, biofeedback and holistic treatments such as massage. Our medical procedure answers the depletion of natural endorphins in nerve cells due to an external supply of Dilaudid. Our in-hospital procedure uses intravenous medications to cleanse the opiates from patients’ receptors while they sleep lightly under deep sedation. This takes less than two hours and they awake without the awareness they experienced an accelerated withdrawal. We don’t use opiate replacement drugs such as methadone or Suboxone to wean patients as this could set them up for another dependence. Our holistic approach focuses on the mind-body connection, nutrition, exercise, recreation, communication, relaxation and balance for the return to school, work and social life. Our programs are individualized, humane and based on medical research.

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