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Dilaudid Withdrawal Symptoms and Side Effects

Pills spilling out of bottle onto the table with cap on the side

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Dilaudid is the brand name for hydromorphone, an opioid drug used to help manage moderate to severe pain. Similar to other medicines available in the market are Palladone, Exalgo, and Hydrostat IR. Street names include Dillies, Big D, M-80s, and Peaches.
It is partly synthetic and derived from morphine. Dilaudid is highly addictive and can cause some users to develop tolerance, dependence, and, eventually, addiction. Fortunately, there are safe ways to detox from Dilaudid using medical assistance and professional mental health help.

Dilaudid Information

The information below describes possible potency, action, and adverse reactions of Dilaudid:

  • Dilaudid is an analgesic drug and is used to relieve pain. Because of its potency, small doses of Dilaudid can produce significant relief.
  • This drug also has an antitussive quality, meaning that it can help suppress coughing.
  • It can often manage severe pain. The typical Dilaudid dosage prescribed varies around 2-4 milligrams. It is also available as an oral liquid. In a hospital setting, doctors can administer the drug intravenously.
  • According to the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), Dilaudid has an analgesic potency of 2-8 times that of morphine.
  • When taken orally, the relief of pain takes approximately 30 minutes. However, when taken via IV or other means, the ease of pain can occur within 5-10 minutes.
  • Dilaudid comes in tablets, suppositories, oral solutions, and liquid form for IV and IM (Intra-Muscular) injections.
  • Dilaudid metabolizes in the liver and is excreted in the urine.
  • In addition to being a potent analgesic, this drug can produce feelings of euphoria, relaxation, sedation, and reduced anxiety.

Dilaudid has many side effects, the most insidious being physical and psychological dependence. Side effects can include but are not limited to:

  • mental cloudiness
  • restlessness
  • changes in mood
  • nervousness
  • constipation
  • urinary retention
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • dizziness
  • loss of appetite
  • rash
  • changes in blood pressure
  • impaired coordination

According to the Controlled Substances Act, Dilaudid is a Schedule II drug. It has a high potential for abuse and dependency. Furthermore, the effects of using Dilaudid may become more severe when used with other substances, such as alcohol or illicit drugs. In some cases, the improper use or abuse of Dilaudid can lead to overdose and death.

Dilaudid and Opiates Withdrawal Symptoms

According to studies the United States consumes 65% of the world’s Dilaudid. Anyone taking Dilaudid, whether the use is considered “recreational” or therapeutic, could become dependent on the drug.  As tolerance to the drug (requiring more of the drug to produce the same effects) increases, so does dependency. In many cases, addiction becomes so severe that functioning without the medication becomes nearly impossible. Safe withdrawal from Dilaudid is possible but often requires medical supervision and professional support.
After repeated and sustained use, the body and brain begin to count on the drug to function.  The body will reduce its production of dopamine, endorphins, and many other substances necessary for overall well being.  Once an individual physically becomes dependent on the drug to feel “normal,” detoxing from Dilaudid will typically cause many challenging, uncomfortable, and even painful side effects called withdrawal symptoms.
Dilaudid withdrawal symptoms  can include:

  • shaking
  • nausea
  • insomnia
  • diarrhea
  • cold flashes
  • bone pain
  • involuntary muscle movements
  • intense cravings
  • muscle aches
  • tremors
  • abdominal cramping
  • goosebumps
  • agitation or irritability
  • anxiety
  • lack of energy or motivation
  • a runny nose
  • watery eyes
  • sweating
  • body cramps
  • vomiting
  • loss of interest in food

Depending on the severity and length of the addiction, the intensity and duration of the above side effects (withdrawal syndrome) will be different for each individual.

Withdrawal Timeline

Just as the intensity of an opiate withdrawal side effects can be different for each person, so can the process’s length. The Dilaudid detox is influenced by how much opioids a person takes, duration of use, frequency, and many other physiological factors that vary from person to person. Below is a general timeline of what a person can expect during the typical withdrawal process:
Day One: Side effects of drug detox can begin as soon as a couple of hours after the last dose of Dilaudid, depending upon the severity of the addiction. The withdrawal phase often can start with anxiety, restlessness, and irritability.
Day Two: The intensity of Dilaudid withdrawal will typically peak at about 14 hours. Individuals may experience nausea, chills, muscle aches, and sweat.
Day Three and Four: Withdrawal side effects may begin to fade for most people after the third or fourth day. Nausea and muscle aches may continue for many more days.
One to Two Weeks: Mild side effects such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia can continue up to a week and even a few months.

How to Ease the Withdrawal Process?Withdrawal from Dilaudid | Waismann Method

Because withdrawal can place such demands on the body and the brain, it is essential to have medical and mental health professionals help. There are ways to combine medical care with other helpful hints to ease the discomfort of a Dilaudid withdrawal:

  • Exercise to keep the body moving; this can facilitate healing.
  • Listen to music that you enjoy to keep your mood positive.
  • To combat cravings, keep yourself busy by watching movies, reading books, and attending meetings and support groups.
  • Put cravings on hold by telling yourself that you’re going to stay clean for one more hour, and continue to make that promise to yourself.
  • Keep reminding yourself that this is only temporary and that a healthier mind and body is the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Spend time with others who uplift you.
  • Focus on what you’d like to do with your life once the detox process is over.
  • Think of a way to reward yourself (going on a trip, buying yourself a new piece of clothing, going out to dinner, etc.) once the withdrawal process is over.
  • Remind yourself that thousands of other people have made it through the withdrawal process, and so can you. Dilaudid Anesthesia Detox

Dilaudid Anesthesia Detox

For some individuals, treatment after detox from Dilaudid may be necessary. Detoxification is always needed to begin the process when healing from addiction. Inpatient hospital detox offers the highest level of care, medically supervised treatment, and around-the-clock support. It also has the highest rate of complete detoxification and long-term success. What patients need after detox should not be a single general option.
The best way to find total freedom of a Dilaudid addiction is to diagnose and treat the primary reason. Treatment that can identify the culprit (sometimes multiple factors) beyond detoxification can help preserve physical and psychological health. Furthermore, an effective drug treatment program can also help create a lifestyle focused on self-care and well-being.
Some individuals choose to go through Dilaudid detox without adequate medical supervision. Although they might succeed in coming off the drug, it is much safer and more comfortable to have doctors control symptoms and vitals.
Rapid detox is a medical procedure that allows the patient to be under sedation through the worst part of opiate detox. The process consists of sedating the patient and removing Dilaudid from the receptor sites while they sleep. Patients are usually 2 to 3 days in their private room of an accredited hospital, followed by a few more days in our exclusive recovery center.
Waismann Method® patients have a success rate of nearly 100%. Rapid detox is the first step in achieving full recovery. Although the procedure offers excellent benefits for patients ready to become opioid-free, an emotional assessment is crucial for long-term recovery.

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