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Heroin Overdose & Addiction: Exacerbated by Guilt, Shame & Blame

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An article about Heroin Overdose and Addiction. Written by the Waismann Method for publication.

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Feb. 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via PRWEB – In light of a recently published NPR report stating the harrowing death toll caused by heroin overdose, Waismann Method(R) Medical Group calls for awareness and humane treatment. We believe that confidence and self-esteem are the best approaches to combating heroin abuse and preventing overdose.

The whole country feels the impact of increased heroin use. Most recently, Pennsylvania’s distress is due to a Fentanyl laced batch resulting in heroin overdose and 22 deaths, according to NPR on February 2, 2014.

Although many people consider heroin addiction to be primarily an “urban” problem restricted to major inner-city areas and specific at-risk populations, the pervasiveness of the drug was underscored recently when a major Hollywood film star was allegedly found dead from a heroin overdose. His death followed shortly after 22 heroin-related deaths occurring in a matter of only a few days in central Pennsylvania.

Most experts agree that substance abuse is a disease that requires intensive treatment to control. However, when confronted with news reports, the reaction of most people involves anger and even blame. Although this may be the initial reaction, researchers agree that widespread blame and resentment does more harm than good in actually addressing the overall problem of drug abuse and the addiction.

Treatment for Heroin Addiction

Michael H. Lowenstein, M.D., is a leading drug treatment specialist who believes being compassionate and understanding will produce better results. Dr. Lowenstein is the director of the Waismann Method(TM), a leading provider of Rapid Detox and Medical Opiate Detoxification located in Southern California.

“Most people react to issues of drug abuse with feelings of anger, revulsion or, most commonly, blame toward both the addict and the addict’s family,” Dr. Lowenstein said. “The common perception is that the addict is weak.  Otherwise, why did they get started using in the first place, and why don’t they ‘just quit’?
“For the addict’s family, the common perception is that they’ve failed to provide a loving environment. Some believe they were too lazy or irresponsible and simply ‘allowed’ the addiction to occur,” he said. “It’s sad to say, but many lives that could otherwise be saved are lost to drugs, simply because of pervasive feelings of shame and failure.”

Stigma and Blame May Worsen Heroin Addiction

Unfortunately, while not uncommon, Dr. Lowenstein noted that those types of misconceptions could hamper a user’s recovery. As a result, a user may experience deep feelings of shame, failure, and hopelessness. Thus, these detrimental feelings can cause a substance abuse habit to continue or even worsen. Many abusers may refuse to seek treatment or fall deeper into the cycle of abuse.
Although it may not be the natural first reaction for many of us, drug users need support and hope. Ultimately, this is one of the most effective ways to combat addiction and help abusers start on the road to recovery. “By providing an understanding, effective and humane detoxification and compassionate environment that emphasizes care and treatment over blame and punishment, substance abusers are much more likely to seek treatment,” Lowenstein said.
“We believe that one of the best ways that we, as a community, can help drug abusers is putting care before judgment,” Dr. Lowenstein said. “Showing compassion and understanding isn’t always easy when confronted with the realities and consequences associated with drug abuse. However, we need to remember that people who abuse drugs can come from any walk of life, even professionals, students, homemakers, and athletes. Therefore, they need our support in order for recovery to be effective and long-lasting.”

About Waismann Method(R) Treatment

Waismann Method(R), directed by Dr. Michael H. Lowenstein, is a pioneering opiate treatment based on a safe and humane protocol. These proven techniques utilize the most advanced medical science available. Waismann Method is a major center for opioid dependency, treatment, and detoxification found only in California. The center offers a variety of programs from rapid detox under sedation, to medically assisted detoxification and other forms of treatment at Domus Retreat. Our team of doctors, therapists and staff work with each patient to create personalized treatment and aftercare plans. We design all plans with the goal of ensuring a healthy and productive transition to life without opiates. Patient safety, comfort, and complete confidence are our primary priorities. Thus, we always put treatment and care over blame and punishment.

Source: Yahoo! Finance
For more information on how to get treatment to prevent heroin overdose call 1-310-205-0808 and let a Waismann treatment expert speak to you.

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