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Opioid Abuse

Opioid Abuse

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Fortunately, effective medical treatments exist to treat opioid abuse disorders. Waismann Method® offers detoxification in an accredited hospital with one of the highest success rates in history.

What is Opioid Abuse?

The compulsive use of opioids or any use outside the label’s instructions can constitute abuse. Most people don’t set out to become addicted to their medication. In fact, most people become “accidental addicts” after taking prescription medication for a legitimate condition. Opioids, including OxyContin, Percocet, Codeine, Fentanyl, and Vicodin, are used for pain relief and cough suppression.
They’re among the most prescribed drugs on the market and, sadly, among the most abused. Once regular use has caused a tolerance, the medication becomes ineffective at producing the intended effects. At this point, many people decide to escalate their use. Misuse becomes common also, with some people choosing to mix opioids with other substances, which can be harmful or cause a fatal overdose.
Other forms of abuse include breaking, crushing, or otherwise disturbing the medication to cause its rapid release. Opioid abuse can damage your health, your ability to function normally in everyday life, and ruins careers and relationships. Opioids can produce feelings of intense euphoria and can be highly addicting. This class of drugs comes from opium, as well as synthetic and semi-synthetic drugs similar to opium.

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse?

Tolerance and withdrawal are two signs that a problem with opioids has developed. Symptoms that you may have a problem with an opioid include the development of tolerance. At this point, it’s so important to speak to a doctor about switching the dose or the medication itself. Consequently, the onset of withdrawal symptoms starts will occur with discontinuation of use. The symptoms of opioid withdrawal is a sign that physical addiction is present. Opioids can cause very severe withdrawal, especially among patients who have taken them long-term or abused them in any manner.
If you have become increasingly consumed with obtaining the drug or are spending more time engaging in drug-seeking behaviors, it may be time to seek help from an addiction specialist. If your use of opioids has begun to interfere in one or more areas of your life, chances are a problem has developed. Also, continual use despite negative consequences indicates the presence of a physical and/or psychological dependence. Prescriptions written for opioids have increased dramatically in recent years. Also, patients who have suffered from prior addictions are at a higher risk of abusing opioids or becoming dependent upon them.

Furthermore, other noticeable signs of opioid abuse include:

  • poor coordination
  • drowsiness
  • shallow or slow breathing rate
  • nausea, vomiting
  • poor decision making
  • abandoning responsibilities
  • slurred speech
  • sleeping more or less than normal
  • mood swings
  • euphoria
  • irritability
  • constipation

Opioid Abuse Treatment

Safe medical detox can take less than two hours. Abuse of opioids can lead to addiction, which calls for a specialized medical detox to ensure safety. The Waismann Method offers a world-class rapid detox program with the focus that all patients should be treated with the utmost respect and sensitivity. Our safe, humane treatment for opioid detox can rid patients of their addiction within days.
We treat opioid abuse in a private hospital where patients have the constant monitoring and assistance of a medical team. Rapid detox uses intravenous medicine to cleanse drugs from patients’ opiate receptors. This anesthesia technique helps people get through the withdrawal symptoms without the use of replacement opiates. Patients awake opiate-free without awareness of the accelerated withdrawal they went through.

Coming Off Opioids

If you think you have an addiction to opioids, know that there is help. The first step is realizing that you need help, and the second is choosing the best treatment program.  Don’t delay your recovery. Get help today. Our Waismann Detox™ staff is here to help. More importantly, we will do our best to provide the care, support, and tools you need to overcome opioid abuse. Call 1-800-423-2482 and speak with a knowledgeable opioid abuse expert.

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