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Percocet Treatment

Doctors and nurses sitting around a table discussing percocet treatment

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 64,070 people died from drug overdoses in the U.S. in 2016. The number of overdoses increased by 21% over the previous year, and a striking 75% of those overdoses involved opioid abuse. Prescription painkillers, as well as heroin, are mainly responsible for these tragic statistics. The best way to prevent further tragedy is to offer effective opioid detox, including Percocet treatment, for those who need it.


What Is Percocet?

Percocet is a brand name of a prescription opioid medication that contains a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. Percocet is beneficial for short-term pain management; however, caution is necessary when taking this medication due to its addictive properties. Oxycodone is a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule II is the classification used for drugs that require a strict prescribing control and are illegal for any use other than medical.

Percocet Use for Pain Management

As a potent opioid narcotic painkiller, Percocet is an adequate option for patients for whom alternative means of pain management failed. The medication works by activating the opioid receptors to reduce feelings of pain. It is important to remember that the drug does not treat the root cause of the pain; it only diminishes the perception of discomfort. In addition to the relief of pain, most patients also experience a feeling of relaxation and almost a euphoric effect from Percocet, which is what maximizes its risk for abuse.

Signs of Percocet Abuse

When Percocet is taken as prescribed by the doctor and not long term, it can be a safe and effective pain treatment. Many people develop a tolerance to the drug, however, and cannot handle the painful withdrawal, which often leads to more extended use. Others may simply begin to enjoy the additional feelings of relaxation and start abusing the medication.
As a person becomes dependent on Percocet, he or she may exhibit the following signs of addiction:

  • Seek more than one doctor to obtain multiple prescriptions
  • Take more the original dosage prescribed
  • Buy from internet pharmacies
  • Have additional health issues that require painkillers
  • Feel pain more intensely
  • Be more secretive
  • Attempt to buy Percocet or similar drugs on the street
  • Think about the drug constantly
  • Steal opioid drugs from friends or family
  • Mix opioids with alcohol or benzodiazepines to intensify the high
  • Give up important activities
  • Make unsuccessful attempts to stop taking the drug
  • Use the drug in unsafe conditions, such as while driving
  • Crush the pills for immediate release
  • Have extreme mood changes

More than 100 people die every day in the U.S. from a drug overdose, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Percocet, like other opioid painkillers, impacts respiratory the central nervous system. Abusing this drug is extremely dangerous because it dramatically increases the risk of depressed respiration, coma or even death.

If you or someone you care about is suffering from Percocet addiction and is in need of a detox treatment, remember that there is hope. Opioid dependence is a medical condition that can be reversed by specialized doctors.

How to Get Off Percocet?

The first challenge people encounter when trying to get off Percocet is overcoming the withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can be painful and even risky for some, both physically and emotionally. Drug detox programs can provide a medical setting in which doctors can manage physiological changes while minimizing the discomfort of withdrawal. You may also choose a more comprehensive detox program within a full-service hospital for additional medical support.

Percocet Abuse Treatment Program

Substance abuse treatments are widely available throughout the country. Although they might seem similar, their protocols and results are entirely different. For decades people suffering from prescription drug addiction have been receiving treatment from fellow patients in peer support groups, sometimes without any knowledge or prior education in healthcare. For these and other reasons, rehabs and drug treatment programs have a very low success rate. People seeking Percocet treatment or substance abuse help end up feeling lost, hopeless and lonely. They are often left in this endless cycle of drug abuse programs, from maintenance drugs to detox, rehabs, sober living homes, outpatient treatments, meetings and often relapse, which puts them back where they begin.
Medicine has evolved and so as our understanding of opioid dependence and addiction. Acute opioid-related disorders are medical conditions that require medical assistance. Blaming someone’s character, making them feel weak, or placing a stigma on them as social misfits is not just unproductive but harmful. We have effective medical treatment and the resources to treat people’s prescription drug dependence adequately and successfully. Now, we just need to provide the correct information and education to the public so that they can find the best solution for their condition.

Waismann Method® has been providing patients with effective treatment for dependence on Percocet and other opioids for over 20 years. We have the best opioid detox success rate in history.

Waismann Method® Medical Percocet Detox Treatment

Our Percocet treatment uses the latest medical techniques to correct chemical imbalances and provide optimum results through the detoxification phase and for controlling cravings. We admit the patient to a private room of an accredited hospital. At the hospital, our multi-board-certified medical director and his team will tailor a detox to best suit each patient’s specific physiological and emotional needs. In this setting, each individual undergoes a comprehensive pre-examination to ensure safety and comfort during detoxification.
Waismann Method® is world renowned as the No. 1 rapid detox center, but anesthesia detox is just one of the treatments we provide. Individuals are complicated, and so are their medical and prescription drug use histories. Their treatment needs to be tailored to appropriately address their unique health needs.

Don’t Wait to Get Help

Percocet addiction has potentially severe consequences for your health and well-being. Don’t allow anyone to tell you, “once an addict, always an addict.” This archaic way of thinking keeps drug treatment centers perpetually full while patients lose hope and the will to fight. Percocet addiction is a temporary condition that is highly treatable. Call Waismann Method® today and let’s discuss your unique needs and available options.


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