Subutex is the brand name for buprenorphine and is an opiate that binds to receptors in the body and brain. It is most often used to treat opiate addiction but has its own potential to cause dependence. Subutex helps to prevent withdrawal in those addicted to narcotic medications including OxyContin, Percocet, Darvocet and heroin. Subutex is meant to be placed under the tongue where it will dissolve and release the medication. Swallowing, chewing, crushing or altering the pill in any other way can be considered as abusing Subutex and can lead to overdose. Those who become physically and/or psychologically dependent on Subutex are most often not to blame. The Waismann Method understands Subutex addiction enough to know that blame, shame and guilt work against the recovery process. Our rapid opiate detox is completely humane and confidential. Using Subutex for any reason outside those intended by the drug manufacturer can be dangerous. The misuse of buprenorphine medications, especially when combined with benzodiazepines and other central nervous system depressants, can lead to respiratory depression and death.
Signs of Subutex Abuse
Some people may use Subutex in conjunction with other substances to increase the effects. This can be dangerous. These substances include benzodiazepines such as Klonopin, sleeping pills such as Ambien, alcohol, tranquilizers, other opiate medications and some antidepressants. Combining these drugs could cause extreme sedation and drowsiness, unconsciousness and death. This is especially true if patients use injection as their method of administration. Using Subutex for a condition for which it’s not intended can be considered Subutex abuse. It can be prescribed in a doctor’s office whereas methadone must be dispensed in addiction treatment clinics. Some have argued that its availability by prescription has contributed significantly to the number of cases of abuse and Subutex dependence. Those who sell their prescription drugs on the black market risk prosecution.
There is Safe, Confidential Treatment for Subutex Abuse
We don’t treat opiate addiction with opiate replacements such as methadone, Suboxone or Subutex. In fact, the W Method of Rapid Detox is a renowned rapid detox center that also treats patients who become addicted to these opiate replacements. Our pioneering procedure is performed in an accredited hospital. Here, patients are admitted for a few days where they first undergo thorough testing to check possible internal damage of organs or the gastrointestinal system due to opiate use or Subutex abuse. Our rapid detox procedure uses medications to cleanse Subutex from patients’ opiate receptors. During this, the patient sleeps lightly under sedation and awakes without the awareness of the accelerated Subutex withdrawals that occurred. The Subutex detox procedure takes an hour and a half or less and patients remain in the hospital for two to four days for around-the-clock monitoring. The Waismann Method can get you back on your feet much quicker than most traditional detox and rehab centers. Our transitional living facility, Domus Retreat, helps guests continue working on their recovery through counseling, massage therapy, biofeedback therapy and other services.
For additional information on Subutex Abuse please call 310-205-0808.