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Why are we Focusing on Addiction Instead of the Individual Behind It?

depressed man struggling with opioid dependence sitting on sidewalk

Reviewed by Clare Waismann, RAS / SUDCC The opioid crisis has become one of the deadliest phenomena of our time. With over 100 deaths a day in the U.S. from prescription and illicit opioid drugs, life expectancy has declined for the first time in many years. The escalation of this devastating issue was preventable. The tragic […]

Study Links Opioid Crisis and Mental Illness

Opioid Crisis and Mental Illness

An abundance of opioid overdose deaths has led to an epidemic around the world. Along with the rest of the globe, there has been a high degree of opioid deaths in Canada. While measures have been taken toward solving this problem, including reducing the number of opioids prescribed in medical settings, the problem does not […]

Opioid Executive Guilty Verdict Means Other Pharma Execs Could Be Charged with Racketeering

A book with fentanyl described and test tubes on a table illustrating pharmaceutical company creating fentanyl-based drugs

Insys Therapeutics’ founder was convicted of racketeering conspiracy related to fentanyl-based Subsys. Fentanyl is one of the leading causes of drug overdose deaths in the U.S., but effective fentanyl detox treatment is available. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., May 3, 2019 — Former billionaire and Insys Therapeutics founder John Kapoor was found guilty of racketeering conspiracy by […]

Administration Is Finally Dealing with the Opioid Crisis Head-On

President Trump and his administration's CEA have identified causes of the opioid crisis and effective response tactics

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., April 30, 2019 — The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) released its report, “The Role of Opioid Prices in the Evolving Opioid Crisis,” on April 30, 2019, and the White House summarized the report in a fact sheet titled “Understanding and Addressing the Driving Forces of the Opioid Crisis.” Although this administration […]

National Drug Take Back Day: DEA Tells Americans ‘Don’t Be the Dealer’

National Drug Take Back Day for prescription opioid disposal

The Drug Enforcement Administration doesn’t just fight the opioid crisis at U.S. ports of entry by seizing illegal drugs. It’s National Drug Take-Back Day events across the country on April 27 collect unused prescription pills and patches to help prevent drug abuse and overdose deaths. The 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health revealed […]

Stroke and Endocarditis Linked to Injecting Opioid Drugs, Even in Young People

young man in hospital bed being treated for endocarditis and stroke related to injecting opiates

As the opioid epidemic continues, the sad news keeps piling up about the effects of opioid drugs on people’s health and well-being. The risks of overdose, mental health problems, and infectious disease among people struggling with opioid addiction are well documented. Now, a new study by Setareh Salehi Omran, MD, fellow in vascular neurology at […]

Opioid Crisis: Expecting Different Results with the Same Old Approach

Concerned woman comforting another inopioid addiction rehab group at a therapy session

The U.S. government reported that 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. The growing crisis costs the country approximately $75.8 billion a year in lost productivity, criminal justice intervention, and healthcare. Those costs are expected to keep rising in the coming years, according to a January 2019 U.S. News & World Report article. […]