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Waismann Method Reviews: See Why We're the Leading Rapid Detox Center

Discover Real Stories of Transformation: Waismann Method Reviews

Embarking on the journey to overcome opioid addiction is a courageous step. At the Waismann Method, we understand that choosing the right rapid detox program is crucial. That’s why we invite you to explore the voices of those who have experienced our transformative care firsthand. Our patient reviews offer an authentic glimpse into the Waismann Method difference, showcasing the power of our compassionate approach, proven medical expertise, and unwavering commitment to lasting recovery.

We extend our most profound gratitude to our patients for their inspirational letters of appreciation. We want to share some of our rapid detox reviews and testimonials, as well as Waismann Method® reviews, from among thousands of successful patients.

Featured Reviews

Only you know when you’re done, and when you are, to me, this is the final piece to the start of a new chapter in your life.

I’m so glad I was done. 20+ years of using with 15 of them being solid addiction just wasn’t fun anymore. Being 35 at the time, I realized my life wasn’t what it could be and certainly isn’t what anyone should strive for. So it was time for a change.

I found the Waismann method online while looking for diagrams of new injection sites, I was at a point of pure desperation. “Opiates.com? They should have some tips on how I can continue to get high” I thought. How wrong I was and how happy I was to be wrong. I shed a tear to find out that something like this existed, I had no clue.

And finally, wow. I’m still here. Still free of the desire to use or associate with those in active addiction. My heart still breaks when I see others struggling, and if I could, I would send everyone to get the help they need at Domus.

I hope this can help others weighing the choice of seeking this treatment facility or another, to make the choice that’s right for them. I’ve been to multiple residential inpatient programs, 2 months, 6 months, 13 months, none of them did anything positive for me. So thank you again to everyone involved with the Waismann method (I was at the facility in California) for what you’re doing. It’s working. Look forward to another yearly update, positive or negative, I’ll leave my feedback.

Opioid Detox Patient


“I underwent the Waismann Method starting in 2004. I was ready to stop, and I was deathly afraid of going through the horror of opiate withdrawal. My use ramped up until the day I flew in from Kentucky and entered your Orange County Hospital program. Although the after-effects of having my receptor sites washed with Naltrexone were no picnic, it was clearly zero withdrawal. Gaining energy and clarity took some time, but I was able to resume work and pretty functional the following week. It just exhausted me. I immediately enrolled in an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and had access to a great, methodical, and kind therapist you provided as a part of your aftercare program. I received a prescription for a few naltrexone and still have one in a matchbox and never used them. I am thrilled and at peace. My faltering business has grown to a level I never imagined. My relationship with my wife and son is excellent. I spend a significant amount of time volunteering in different areas of the recovery process. I am appointed to oversee long-term rehab facilities that are a significant step toward fighting the gigantic opiate/fentanyl epidemic. I can’t say that Waismann was the reason I was successful, but I will absolutely say that there is not a more humane method to detoxing than the Waismann method. I would recommend your method 100% to anyone that seriously wants to quit. Relapse doesn’t depend on the method of detox, but opiate withdrawal doesn’t have to be the most excruciating experience I can imagine. I’ve done it several times, and the fear of it kept me using for years. Feel free to utilize any part of this letter that you like. I will happily be a reference for anyone I can help with. I am loaded with appreciation. Today, I have been clean for 15 years and eight months. My guess is I’ll be clean all day again today.”

Oxycodone Detox, California


It was even better than I hoped.

Oxycodone Detox, California


When you are ready to regain your freedom and life, do this program.

Kratom Detox, New York


By the grace of God, the Waismann Method was the first rapid detox I found via GOOGLE search. I felt after speaking with Lorena and the screening from the Doctor I would be in good hands.


I feel for the first time in 10+ years true hope and optimism. I am no longer tethered to any opitates and the pain and withdrawal experienced I know will not last forever. Being on a Vivitrol shot will help create the safety net I very much need.

Fentanyl Detox, Massachusetts


This was the best place for me to choose. Of course, I already got my gym membership.

Explore Additional Waismann Method Reviews

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  • Alcohol Detox
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  • Demerol
  • Dilaudid Detox
  • Fentanyl Detox
  • Fentora Detox
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  • Hydrocodone Detox
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  • Medically Assisted Opioid Detox
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  • Oxycodone Detox
  • Oxycontin Detox
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  • Rapid Detox
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  • All
  • Alcohol Detox
  • Buprenorphine Detox
  • Codeine Detox
  • Demerol
  • Dilaudid Detox
  • Fentanyl Detox
  • Fentora Detox
  • Heroin Detox
  • Hydrocodone Detox
  • Indocent Detox
  • Klonopin Detox
  • Kratom detox
  • Medically Assisted Opioid Detox
  • Methadone Detox
  • Morphine Detox
  • MS Contin Detox
  • Norco Detox
  • Opana Detox
  • Oxycodone Detox
  • Oxycontin Detox
  • Percocet Detox
  • Rapid Detox
  • Roxicodone Detox
  • Stadol Detox
  • Suboxone Detox
  • Subutex detox
  • Tramadol Detox
  • Vicodin Detox
Kratom detox

Kratom Detox, New York

By the grace of God, the Waismann Method was the first rapid detox I found via GOOGLE search. I felt after speaking with Lorena and the screening from the Doctor I would be in good hands.
Fentanyl Detox

Fentanyl Detox, Nevada

Happy with the choice I made.
Oxycodone Detox

Oxycodone Detox, Nevada

Happy with the choice I made.
Fentanyl Detox

Fentanyl Detox, California

Everyone here has been fantastic.
Percocet Detox

Percocet Detox, Pennsylvania

I feel for the first time in 10+ years true hope and optimism. I am no longer tethered to any opitates and the pain and withdrawal experienced I know will not last forever. Being on a Vivitrol shot will help create the safety net I very much need.
Percocet Detox

Percocet Detox, Pennsylvania

I randomly searched online. Stumbled upon Reddit and then did more research, called and spoke with Clare, and felt this was my one chance to get it right and be on vivitrol.

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